Login Information
This page is exclusively intended for our Collective Investment Trust (CIT) investors in the Kopernik Global All-Cap and International strategies.
- If you are an investor in a Kopernik mutual fund, please visit our mutual fund page at https://kopernikglobal.com/content/mutual-fund-overview, call 855-887-4KGI (4544) or email funds@kopernikglobal.com
- If you are an investor in a Kopernik private fund, please visit our Investor Dashboard page at https://kopernik.seiinvestorportal.com. You will need the email address and password associated with your account to sign in to the Investor Dashboard. If you do not know your email address and/or password associated with your account, please email info@kopernikglobal.com
The link below will take you to your Kopernik Global Investors, LLC CIT Dashboard, where you can view trust documents, fund documents, fund holdings and retrieve your investor statements. You will need the email address and password associated with your account to sign in to the CIT Dashboard. If you do not know your email address associated with your CIT account, please email cittrade@seic.com
Please Note: Our CIT investment portal is managed by an external party. You will be directed to the SEI Trust Company, the trustee of the Kopernik Global Collective Investment Trusts. Please click the following link https://seic.com/