b'1 PublicationrecognizedDaveIbenduringhistimewithapredecessorfirm,TradewindsGlobalInvestors.2 Not a client or investor with Kopernik. No cash or non-cash compensation was provided in exchange for this statement.3 Lipper Awards2010: Nuveen Tradewinds Global All-Cap Fund - US Lipper Fund Awards for Best Fund over 3-year period ending 12/31/09 and ING Global Value Choice Fund - US Lipper Fund Awards forBest Fund over 5-year period ending 12/31/09. Awarded to a fund managed by Dave Iben at a predecessor firm.2011: Nuveen Tradewinds Global All-Cap Fund, Nuveen Tradewinds Global Resources Fund, Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities Fund - US Lipper Fund Awards for Best Fund over 3-year period ending 12/31/10. Awarded to a fund managed by Dave Iben at a predecessor firm.2012: ING Global Value Choice Fund - US Lipper Fund Awards for Best Fund over 3-year period ending 12/31/11 and Nuveen Tradewinds Global All-Cap Fund - US Lipper Fund Awards forBest Fund over 5-year period ending 12/31/11. Awarded to a fund managed by Dave Iben at a predecessor firm.2023: Kopernik International FundRefinitive Lipper Fund Awards for Best Fund over 3-year period ending 12/31/22.This document, as of June 2023, is descriptive of how the Kopernik team generally manages portfolios that follow the referenced investment strategies and may be amended or revised from time to time without prior notice. Please consider all risks carefully before investing. Kopernik investment strategies are subject to certain risks such as market, investmentstyle,interestrate,deflation,andilliquidityrisk.Investmentsinsmallandmid-capitalizationcompaniesalsoinvolvegreaterriskandportfoliopricevolatilitythaninvestments in larger capitalization stocks. Investing in non-U.S. markets, including emerging and frontier markets, involves certain additional risks, including potential currency fluctuationsandcontrols,restrictionsonforeigninvestments,lessgovernmentalsupervisionandregulation,lessliquidity,lessdisclosure,andthepotentialformarketvolatility,expropriation,confiscatorytaxation,andsocial,economic,andpoliticalinstability.Investmentsinenergyandnaturalresourcescompaniesareespeciallyaffectedbydevelopmentsinthecommoditiesmarkets,thesupplyanddemandofspecificresources,rawmaterials,productsandservices,thepriceofoilandgas,explorationandproductionspending,government regulation, economic conditions, international political developments, energy conservation efforts and the success of exploration projects. There can be no assurances that any of the strategys investment objectives will be achieved.This material is for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any product or service to which this information may relate. This material is not to be reproduced in whole or in party or used for any purpose except as explicitly authorized by Kopernik Global Investors, LLC.Kopernik Global Investors, LLC is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.Kopernik Global Investors, LLCTwo Harbour Place302 Knights Run Ave, Suite 1225Tampa, FL336021-813-314-6100info@kopernikglobal.comkopernikglobal.com'